13 things i want to do this year for my 13th birthday

hi guys! i hope you are having the best of days. i certainly am, because today is my 13th birthday! i don’t know where the time has gone, but i am so excited! this is actually crazy to me. when you’re reading this, i’m 13!! wow~

so anyway, today i am doing a bonus post to celebrate! this is going to be 13 things i want to do this year. my 13th year of life. you can let me know if you’ve done any of these, i would love to chat in the comments<3

  1. i want to try boba and matcha. i have heard great things about both, so i NEED to try them at some point.
  2. i want to go trick-or-treating with my friends. i don’t know why, i just really want to do this. and we’re thinking of going all together, so it might happen. if it doesn’t though, i want to go trick-or-treating anyway.
  3. i want to build a snowman and name him Mr Freezy. i know this isn’t in my control of whether it snows, but otherwise i want to build a sancastle.
  4. i want to learn a whole song on guitar.
  5. go shopping wih friends. i have no explanation for this, i just think it would be fun.
  6. finish a whole tube of lipbalm. i just want to know what that feels like. i’ve never finished one of those.
  7. i really want to turn around in a chair, stroking a cat/dog/some furry animal, and say “i’ve been expecting you” dramatically.
  8. i want to do an escape room
  9. i want to memorise the lyrics to all of taylor swift’s songs, but i’m sure that’ll happen eventually.
  10. i want to wear a good outfit and actually take a good photo. i never do that.
  11. i want to start a taylor swift fan club at school, not sure if anyone will join though.
  12. i want to create a beautiful piece of art
  13. i want to write 100 poems this year

i hope you enjoyed this post! have a great day and i will see you soon. byee xx

Published by sateja♡

hi! i'm sateja and i... have so much to say. which is basically what i do on my blog. if that's interesting enough (which it isn't, really), go check out my blog!

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